Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Creations to Share Our Learning

Room 20 learnt about the ways people celebrate Easter around the world.  They then planned and created items that could share what they had learnt.  Posters, videos, booklets... we have it all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What are you thinking?

When given a problem to solve at maths we need to figure out what it is asking us to do so that we can find a solution.  Maskil, Jayde, Rio and Max do a great job explaining what they are thinking when they solve this problem.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hooking us in...

We are learning to write a hook to engage our reader.

Room 20 have been exploring effective hooks. Together we shared what we knew and discussed what we might see in really effective hooks.  We levelled some before we had a go ourselves.

Would you keep reading if this was the hook the writing started with?

Suddenly, Broom, Broom!  What's that? Oh, it's just a motorbike, off I go. 'Weeee' I said in my mind.

We decided that Thomas has written an effective hook.   

Friday, April 1, 2016

Flexible Learners

Room 20 showed they were Flexible Learners on Friday when our normal timetable needed a quick change.  The weather was cold and windy.  Rain was looming in the sky.  It was our swimming morning but due to the weather not behaving and the amazing photos that needed to be taken, we adjusted our timetable and played games with Mr Sullivan instead.  
We learnt new games and had a great time!